Key points of Chiropractic
Chiropractic treatment includes exercise, manual therapy adjustments, and education to improve patient’s resiliency, decrease pain, and prevent future symptoms.
Chiropractic treatments are a safe, effective contributor to a better quality of life by improving your musculoskeletal health.
Chiropractic treatments are recommended to individuals dealing with sedentary lifestyles, stiffness, aches, pain and decreased strength.
What conditions can Chiropractors treat?
Chiropractors in general treat conditions associated with the musculoskeletal system. Specific conditions treated may include, shoulder impingement syndrome, chronic pain, low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, and sports injuries to name a few.
How does a chiropractic adjustment feel?
Although like any medical intervention, there are side effects such as stiffness, soreness, and tenderness, joint manipulations performed by a trained professional are painless and therapeutic.
What is the popping noise when a chiropractor manipulates your spine?
The popping noise and sensation from a Chiropractor’s manipulations come from release in gases and pressure from joints found throughout the body. Think of opening a new jar or a can of soda and the popping sound associated with the release.
Initial Chiro Session
​30 min $125
Follow Up Chiro Session
30 min $95
15 min $75
30 min Acupuncture + 30 min Massage $150
30 min Acupuncture + 45 min Massage $165
30 min Acupuncture + 60 min Massage $180​
* All these combos are billed under Acupuncture
* You may have Insurance Coverage